Healthy Chi Services offers a wide range of therapies. Our therapist has been trained and accredited in all modalities and offers many years of treatment experience. Check out Ingrid’s accreditation here.
Prices start from $90 1/2 hr to $120 1 hr

I use the Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho System. It takes up to one hour for a session. Clients remain clothed during the session.
Reiki energy is channelled by the practitioner through their hands and crown chakra ( which they are initiated into from Levels 1, 2, and 3). The client’s energy blocks and chakras are healed via the practitioner laying their hands over each section of the body, to give a full body treatment.
Reiki is a very ancient art of healing that was invented in Japan some two thousand years ago. Can also provide over-the-phone consultations.
When I performed Reiki, I could not diagnose conditions, prescribe nor perform medical treatment, or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional. I always recommend you seek consultation with a licensed healthcare professional for any ailment, condition, or concern.
Also teach Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho System Levels 1, 2, and Masters (3)
Note to complete Master needs done Levels 1 & 2

Oracle card readings by Ingrid…
22 years experience. I use channelling as well as Oracle cards…can be face-to-face or over the phone. I have a large variety of Oracle cards that I use. You can choose a deck for your reading on the day.
Happy vibes…love and light.
Can also provide over-the-phone consultations

Whilst fully clothed Spiritual Healing can be performed in a variety of ways, depending on the client’s requirements.
– Sound Therapy together with/without Meditation can be applied to the client whilst sitting or lying on a massage bed/chair.
This can be either applied with singing bowls,
-Healing with Angels & Meditation, can be added onto a massage or be a half-hour session, on its own.
In American Indian shamanism healing, I know as Ingrid Running Dear.
This is done using American Indian drums or spiritual voice chant, talking to Mother Earth
At the end of a light massage as well..or separately, usually takes half an hour!

During a Reiki animals often experience a deep state of peace as the Reiki clears imbalances, allowing for new and harmonious patterns of health and wellness to emerge. Physical contact is not a requirement for Reiki and traditionally the practitioner offers Reiki to the animal as hands-on or hands-off therapy.
The Benefits of Animal Reiki
- Relieving anxiety.
- Creating a stronger sense of well-being.
- Relieving pain.
- Strengthening the immune system.
What Do I Not Do?
When I performed Animal Reiki, I could not diagnose conditions, prescribe nor perform medical treatment, or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional. I always recommend an animal be taken to a licensed veterinarian for any ailment, condition, or concern.

Crystal Healing Sessions take about one hour. Clients stay fully clothed during this time.
Crystals are placed on each Chakra of the body starting at the head, and right down to your toes.
Each Chakra has a crystal assigned to it. The practitioner uses a Quartz Crystal to heal each Chakra and the crystal that applies to that area.
Clients report that they are relaxed and feel quite calm, and also that they feel quite a lot of heat going through the crystals in the Chakras.
Please feel free to try Crystal Healing!

Do you have Pain? Arthritis? Back Pain and Sciatica? Or just need time to Relax?
I have been taking care of clients with Massage for 22 years. I have seen many difficulties that my clients have, they achieved a breakthrough with the aid of how I practice Massage.
I have designed a method of Massage in the last 22 years of practice, and have had great results. The Ultimate Chi Technique gives the client the opportunity to relax as well as receive a complex system of Massage and Acupressure applied to their body whilst in a state of calm and bliss, services included:
The Healthy Chi Services is a non-sexual massage service. The therapist can terminate the session at any given time.
If direct or indirect suggestions are made that place the therapist in an uneasy situation, the Police may be called in regard to this.
Healthy Chi Services
We care for and treat your whole body mind and spirit.